Agenda: Explore Rising Tensions and Startegic Rivalries Between East and West
Karma has been deeply involved in MUN since the 9th grade. Through delegating in numerous conferences, she has honed her skills in debate, research, and public speaking. Karma is very excited to guide a passionate yet diplomatic debate by chairing this year’s first UOBDMUN!!
Joud is currently a first-year student majoring in cybersecurity. Her participation in MUN has had a significant impact on her life. Through MUN, she has developed skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, and research, which have helped her tremendously. She now has a forum to discuss and debate global topics, improving her knowledge and understanding of global issues. She has met and engaged with people from various cultures and backgrounds, broadening her perspective. Joud is thrilled to chair the UNSC committee and is excited to meet all the delegates!